Me reading by my nightlight. Cats are nocturnal you know!
Well! This creative genius, written by David Watts and Andrew Davies, was loaded with full color pictures of pure feline violence. It is definitely a book for the adult cat reader. With this R rated warning in mind, I give "When Cats Assassinate" 4 out of 5 Meows.
The history of feline domination over dogs is discussed in detail, with examples of Egyptian cat worship (Now those were the good old days!) and the "cat like" names of instruments of mass destruction....the CATapault, CAT o' Nine Tails etc. The book also covers the influence on felines from popular movies, giving rise to copyCAT displays of violence against dogs. Endless viewing of James Bond films is recommended to any feline interested in joining the war on dogs.
My favorite quote is "Cats are helped in their killer quest by most dogs' basic lack of brain cells. Curiosity may have killed the cat one time, but sheer stupidity killed most dogs." HA! Brilliant no?
This fabulous manual gave me a plethora of ideas to test on my room mates pictured below....

You can check out this book yourself on amazon.com by entering the ISBN#1 85648 771 7. Or buy a copy from me in my booth at the flea market.
Do not forget to check out my older archived blogs. Just click on a date under the "More of My Adventures" heading at the top right of the page. © 2008 Aislynne