I thought a beauty pageant win might improve my image, but they do not accept feline applicants, so I tried the next best thing: A Cat Show!! On June 9th, 2009 I put on my game face and attended the Chickadee Cat Club's 2nd Annual Cat show in Frederiction, NB. 

Although I am a purebred Sphynx, my people did not submit my paperwork in time, so I entered the show as a household pet. Many of you may be unaware that you can enter a cat show and win lots of ribbons even if you do not have a pedigree! Household pets are a vital part of cat shows and showing can be fun! You must be spayed/neutered but not declawed and are judged on condition, health, colour markings and temperament. For more information visit the CCA/AFC or TICA web sites.

Cat shows usually have a competition for the best decorated cage. You can use cages provided at the show or bring your own as long as itt meets certain specifications. This lovely pink creation was made by a young girl and received an honourable mention!
Since I am named after the vampire "Nosfuratu" a coffin seemed most appropriate. My people just happened to have the end 1/3 section of a human coffin lying around the house. (Long story to be explained in a later blog). With a few minor modifications and a lot of hot glue ...
My people were able to whip up this bad boy! It stays open when I use it and the lid closes for easy storage or transport. Since rules state the cage must be easy to open in the front but also securely hold a cat, we attached clear vinyl to the opening with velcro!
We cut air "holes" in the shape of claw slashes and lined the inside of my coffin with soft red velvet.

In this picture you can see the full setup, with me sitting on my cushion outside my cage. These children had their faces painted and posed with me!

The crowds started to get big at my booth! I love meeting new fans!

Here is a closeup of her. Is she not stunning!? She won lots of ribbons! I think I may be in love...

These two lovely boys, Oliver and Hibou, were my neighbors at the show. We all got along famously perhaps because we are the same colour.

He invited some friends and they all wore baseball caps with my face and slogan "Go Naked!" For lunch I packed them each a "Cat Lovers Lunch" with tuna, goldfish crackers, jerky and milk.

We also made a Litter box Birthday cake! (Chocolate cage sprinkled with graham crackers and macaroons) The fudge icing looks like cat poop! We velcroed a stuffed cat to the edge in a compromising position and cut pieces with a new scooper.
Here is Daddy and Alex posing with the remains of the cake. A few passers by actually thought they were playing with poopies!

On with the show! This is me waiting to be judged in one of the rings. This show had six show rings with different judges. Each gives out ribbons for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place. Then, all the cats that win a 1st place ribbon compete in a final ring called "Best of the Best".

There I am at the first ring! You may be able to tell from the photo that it turns out I hate to be judged....and examined....I also have a terrible potty mouth! Who knew? Luckily, this judge just laughs at my insults.

I stop to sniff a little in this ring but still spit and swear at the judge! My mom and dad are shocked! I am well behaved at the flea market every weekend where lots of people pet me all day. I am an angel when we go into stores, restaurants and hospitals.....everyone comments on how friendly I am!

But not in the show ring! There I am telling the judge to @#%%$ off! In hindsight, I am also surprised and a little ashamed of my behavior!

There I go yowling and swearing again! Good thing these pictures do not come with sound or I would have to be bleeped!

Everyone seems to think it may be the smells of all the other cats that has upset me so! I do not know what gives people that silly idea!

Oh! well, it could have been the fact that I started picking fights with the other cats in the ring.....but I see other professional atheletes trash talking eachother on the sports network all the time!

This judge seems to understand my woes and we chat together for a few minutes. She told me she would write down all my complaints and forward them to management. Then she awards me with a 2nd place ribbon!

Here I am with my ribbon looking very bashfull. Or perhaps I am snoozing...

Along with making new fans, I liked being around other cats that are as spoiled as I am. This cat has his own sofa to lounge on!

There were also lots of vendors at the show with great accessories for sale. This kitty has purchased a fleecy rug with a strong sleeping potion.

So that was my very first cat show! I give the show 5 meows out of 5 without including the judging rings. I think it is clear that I do not like to be judged! I did get to meet lots of friendly people and enjoyed sitting at my booth.
As far as beauty is concerned, I have learned a valuable lesson! As long as you know you are beautiful, and your mother agrees, that is all that matters!
Do not forget to check out ALL my other adventures! Just click on each of the links on the upper right corner of this page, under the "More of my adventures" heading
© 2009 Aislynne
Not first place!?!?! Obviously those judges have never seen your blog! If they did you would have won first and then some! But to all those meanies who don't know beauty know you can just be sure your mom carries your second place ribbon then give them some yowling. You were just lovely nofuratu!
Nofur, I LOVE your decorated cage at the show. Your people seem so creative and fun!
It is beyond my understanding how anyone could think you are ugly! You are very handsome, and you have such soulful eyes.
WOW! Wot an experience! Concatulations on willning 2nd prize too! We think yoo are beautiful and handsome. And our mom thinks that your nakedness shows the beauty of your form ~ but she worries yoo might get cold on bad weather days.
BTW: We've just read the book from The Litterary Box ~ and it had yoor website address in it ~ so we popped over to see yoo from England (UK).
Merry Christmas, Nofur, to you and all your humans.
Harry Spotter, you behave and save your poop for the litter box.
Love the cake idea! I have enjoyed visiting your site on various occasions and look forward to further adventures of Nofur.
I would like to suggest that Nofur vist the Fundy Trail from the St. Martins side (wink).
Happy Holidays to you and your people Nofur.
Shelley, I have also mentioned visiting the caves and the beach and the restaurant....maybe they will this summer!
Hi, My name is Cheryl and I have a new blog at http://www.totallykitty.com
I would love you to stop by if you get a chance. Totally Kitty will be showcasing the coolest cats on the planet and if you have any great pics I would love consider them for the site. Think The Satorialist but for cats!
I used to live with lots of sphnx cats before I came to my new home and I think you are beautiful
Hello, Mr NoFurAtu! We saw that Harry Spotter and Fiona were following you so we had to come take a look! We share the Furrydance Cornish Rex household with a Sphynx named Disco NoFurNo and we think your faces look just the same, though Disco is all red (or we call it yam colored, hahameow) and he is sort of shaped like a fat yam now his show days are behind him.
We love your show cage decorations! Very inventive and we are sure conversation starters! Disco's theme was of course, Disco Fever and we had fun with that!
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