This was a spur of the moment trip, so my people did not have my stroller packed. Daddy had to carry me around every place I wanted to see!

Many of the ships had intricate figureheads! Usually in the shape of a beast or human female, these forms of bow ornamentation were introduced in the 16th century.

The purpose of a figurehead was to illustrate the ship's name in a non verbal manner, and the immense power of its owner.

Hhhmmmm. Do you see a resemblance?

One of the most thrilling aspects of the Tall Ships Festival is getting to board a ship and take a tour! The Etoile, built in Normandy, France, in 1932 seems like a good choice.

Much to my chagrin, the sailors were armed. Although I carry concealed daggers in each toe, I am no match for their rifles. (Sigh). This instance reminds me of my military reenactment attempt at "St. Andrews by the Sea", when my people forgot to pack gun powder.....

Since I am still reeling from my adrenaline induced bravado, let us have a peek over the edge then....hmm....yep....looks wet.

I am almost overcome with an incredible urge to climb these ropes....

This photo makes it look like I DID climb the ropes! Ha Ha! It is just my people looking up at something.

During our adventure I was repeatedly swarmed by the Paparazzi! (The previous night I had my television debut on the Halifax local news.) So everywhere I went during the festival, people would shout out "That's the Cat I saw on T.V!" and crowd around for autographs.

All the attention and excitement was exhausting! I do not know how Hollywood celebrities manage!

The part I love most about meeting fans is getting petted!

Successful celebrities need to be able to multi task. Here I am taking a power nap while mom gives me a fitting for a new smoking jacket.

I like it! .....but how does my butt look?

STOP! Is that what I think it is? Yesss!

FLYING PING PONG BALLS! Brilliant!!! How do I get in?

Stand still daddy! I need to watch the ping pong balls!....Must stay awake....to............wa..t..ch....

zzzz....bouncy.....white...........what............what is on my head?

Do not forget to check out ALL my other blog reviews! Just choose a date under the "More of my Adventures" heading in the upper right column.
© 2010 Aislynne
© 2010 Aislynne