For my fans who did not read my latest bio in the local newspaper on August 6th, here is a copy! I was published on page 3, which in European countries, is usually reserved for a large photo of a naked human.
"Nofuratu popular at flea market - Hairless cat a rarity, says its owner."

"Photo Caption: Nofuratu, a two-year-old hairless Sphynx cat, can be seen each week at Dexter’s Flea Market, which moves to its new location at 14 Rabbi Lippa Medjuck St. in Moncton this weekend.
Nofuratu - the Havelock feline who recently won various ribbons at the Halifax Cat Show -- is not your average cat.
First of all, he has no fur. the two-year-old feline is a rare, unique, hairless breed called a Sphynx, his owner Aislynne said yesterday. She said she purchased Nofuratu from a breeder in Iowa.
Secondly, he has his own blog on the Internet where the talented cat chats about tourist attractions he has visited, such as The Rocks, Peggy's Cove and the Tall Ships return to New Brunswick, reviews books about cats and gives his opinion on restaurants throughout the Maritimes.
Aislynne said the feline's examination of the books is part of his most recent addition to his blog entitled -- Nofuratu Book Club. She mused that the book club is designed to help "boost feline and human literacy rates." He has already received about 2,000 hits on the blog which is updated a few times a month, she said.
Aislynne (who only has the one name, officially disposing of her surname a couple of years ago) said Nofuratu has become a popular local figure, being on hand every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at her booth at Dexter's Flea Market. In honour of the popular feline, she has named the booth The Naked Cat. She sells mostly books, but also furniture, toys and a number of other items, at the outlet. "But lots of people come just to see him," she laughed. "You are not going to get many chances to see a hairless feline. And he is a friendly cat who likes the attention."
Nofuratu also has a "very strong entrepreneurial spirit," said Aislynne, noting he has his own line of designer hand bags that can be purchased exclusively at Dexter's Flea Market or on his blog --
On Saturday and Sunday, the Sphynx cat will be on hand at Dexter's Flea Market to help celebrate the market's grand opening at its new location at 14 Rabbi Lippa Medjuck St., Moncton, right behind the Canadian Automobile Association office on King Street. Aislynne said the grand opening will also include a Bikini Car Wash and she is hopeful of having Nofuratu sport a Speedo swimsuit for the event. She said pictures of the hairless cat will also be available at the event.
Except for the lack of fur, Aislynne said Nofurato is the same as any other cat. She said he purrs, meows and likes to be petted."
By Charles Perry A3 Times and Transcript Staff
This is my second interview in the "Moncton Times and Transcript"! My first was as a kitten, over a year ago. You can see THAT article and photo under the "More of my Adventures" heading. Click on 2008 and when the page loads choose August in the same section to get a list of the month's blogs including "My biography in the Times and Transcript"