I do have a growing wardrobe of winter ski wear complete with hats and mitts, which enable me to peruse the great, white wilderness but quite frankly I just hate the cold! Even professional adventure cats have their limits you know.
We Three Cats (to the tune of “We Three Kings”)
We three cats of Orient are,
Terrified to get in the car,
Why go out for celebrating?
We’ll stay right where we are. Ooooh–
Home is heaven, home is good,
Home is where we get our food,
Why go out for Christmas parties?
Frankly we’re not in the mood.
We’re not happy with a trip yet.
Seems they always end at the vet.
These excursions are diversions,
We’d just as soon forget. Ooooh-
(Repeat chorus)
We three cats are Siamese,
Himalayan, and Tonkinese.
Bring us gifts of meat with gravy
And mild kinds of cheese. Ooooh-
(Repeat chorus)
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh Christmas Tree!
Your ornaments shine temptingly.
I want to whack them with my paw,
and grab them when they hit the floor.
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree!
Your ornaments shine temptingly.
"Dear Santa: I desperately need a new computer so I can talk to other cats on the internet. OK, it's my fault the old one doesn't work. I honestly thought the mouse was a toy so I kind of batted it around. By the time I realised the fish was a screen saver the monitor was pretty scratched. And if I'm not supposed to nap on the thing why did they make it so toasty warm? It's like a magnet for furballs. I promise to take better care of my machine."
Love Einstein Two
"Dear Santa: Do you have any catnip? I'm off the wagon-again. "
Your friend, Pinky
"Dear Santa: Please leave a mouse trap. I'm thinking of laying off the rodents and becoming a vegetarian."
Thank you, Tom
"Dear Santa: I could really use a few more lives. I lost one the other day on the balcony railing. A few months back I misplaced one in a tight spot behind the refrigerator. If you could just replace these two, I promise to be more careful with them."
The next photo is when I got caught checking inside my Christmas stocking.

This is a cat angel my mom made. He does not say much.
It may surprise you that I celebrate Christmas at all since I am technically "Undead", one of Nosfuratu's namesakes. I also celebrate Yule! My dad is Christian and my mom is Wiccan so they decided to educate me in both religions. I am very blessed!
Unfortunately, I do not have any friends of other religions yet. So if you are a feline who celebrates Hanukkah or Ramadan etc. I would love to hear more about your traditions!
Nofuratu's fast fact:
For more than a billion Muslims around the world (8 million in North America) Ramadan is a "month of blessing" marked by prayer, fasting, and charity.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is lunar (each month begins with the sighting of the new moon). Because the lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, Islamic holidays "move" each year. This year Ramadan was from Aug 31 to Sept 29th.
In many places where holidays have become widely commercialized, Ramadan retains its focus on self-sacrifice and devotion to Allah (God).
If you are a feline thinking of converting to Islam it is important to know cats can not fast more than 24 hours without developing potentially fatal liver disease. So perhaps giving up cat nip or treats is a better idea. Consult your local Imam.
Do not forget to check out my older archived blogs. Just click on a date under the "More of My Adventures" heading at the top right of the page.
© 2012 Aislynne