
Naked in the French Quarter and Garden District, N'awlins

 As many of my loyal readers may remember I ventured to New Orleans, LA in Spring 2011.
Ponga's Pet Palace , Renaissance Arts Hotel and Bayou Boogalou, New Orleans' Cemeteries and Naked On Bourbon Street
This time I will cover the lively French Quarter and Garden District...as they say in N'awlins "Laissez les bons temps rouler!" 
 Since we were traveling from the Atlantic region of Canada, the most agreeable way to arrive at our destination was...par avion!
Airline regulations require that all pets flying In-cabin, including those of therapy pet status such as myself, must remain properly stowed for the WHOLE flight! However, a kind steward permitted me to sit on Mom's table and enjoy her window seat. Here I am filling out my landing card.  Am I required to declare my two pounds of Catnip?
We landed in New Orleans without any trouble from the drug sniffing dogs, and were off to the French Quarter! Commonly referred to as the "Vieux Carré" (Old Square), it is the most established neighborhood in New orleans, founded in 1718.

Hmm. Do you think we could use this bicycle to see the sights?  

Even with my feline balancing skills, I think cycling may prove difficult.  Strollering it is then!
Nofuratu's Fast Fact: Due to the number of people who died trying to save their pets during Hurricane Katrina, the US Senate signed into law the PETS Act whereby local governments are not entitled to FEMA reimbursements unless emergency plans for domestic pets are written into their disaster plans and in place.
These Louisiana crawfish caught my eye immediately. I admit I was a little daunted at first since I could not tell if the "moving" cooler was one giant entity or lilliputian individuals!
The MRB Bar and Grill on St. Philip employs a three legged Boxer named JW to guard its seafood while it sojourns streetside.
I asked if he would like to be interviewed for my blog?
But he did not say much and I disliked how he kept salivating while ogling me intensly!
Speaking of good to eat, Daddy picked up a Crawfish for me to examine.
Yes, Procambarus clarkii, a species of freshwater Crawfish native to the southeastern United States.  On other continents it is considered a pestilence, but here it is fine cuisine!
Pardon me, would you like to be interviewed for my blog? Perhaps you have some final words before heading to the pot?
His mouth is open but I do not hear anything....Does anyone here read Crawfish lips? We shall have to dine somewhere else. I can not handle such a personal relationship with my food.
Next we checked out Fiorella's Cafe on Decatur street. Only service animals are permitted in restaurants so we dined at the sidewalk tables.
For an appetizer I had the deep fried pickles. The dipping sauce was very good!
My main course was clam chowder. Delicious!
Do I have food on my face?
Time for a post dinner bath, just like a lion on the Serengeti after eating its kill.  Hey did you notice my fabulous catfish Mardi Gras beads I got for my ride?
After dinner we took a stroll in the Garden District.  At just three feet above sea level, this area once consisted of plantations!  Then it was sold off in parcels to wealthy Americans who did not wish to live with the Creoles in the French Quarter.
This is ridiculous! Perhaps strollering through here was not the best idea Daddy.  The sidewalks here are notorious for their arduousness. I told you we should have used the Snuggly.
After decades of arguing with property owners over who is responsible for repairs, the city has admitted the Oak trees they planted are the cause of the disruption.
Here we are at Stan and Anne Rice's House! Stan, a talented poet, and Anne, author of dozens of books including the Vampire chronicles, lived here from 1989 to 2004.
1239 First street was also the inspiration for Mayfair House in Anne Rice's Mayfair witches series.  Yes, I have read all Anne's books.
Helloooo! Is anyone there?? I was hoping to tour the house, but no one was home.  Still, I give all of New Orleans 5 meows out of 5.  I love it here.
Do not forget to check out ALL my other blog reviews! Just choose a date under the "More of my Adventures" heading in the upper right column.
© 2012 Aislynne                            Editor: Henry Hobson