This well equipped establishment is too much for just one person to manage, so a few animals handle different departments...

Belle, a superbly coiffed dog runs the hotel facilities and reception...

While Shrek, the ogre sized grey tabby on the left, handles the grooming business and laundry. His expertise is "hot towel" inspection.

Fiona obviously runs the clothing department, but also helps in grooming. Here she is modelling a beautiful dress that matches her eyes!
To see the other pets working at Ponga's Pet Palace, check out their website. Erin, who named her business after her beloved dog "Ponga", was kind enough to give me a tour of the palace.

In addition to a pet boutique, and spa there is a pet hotel and daycare! Here is one of the dog rooms, equipped with a real bed and television.

And these are the cozy cat rooms furnished with kitty condo's.

All the walls are hand painted with pretty murals. The cat section has birds and koi....

..and the dog kennels have cheerful roofs and hydrants.
Despite having high fashion, Ponga's Pet Palace has excellent prices and accomodating staff. Erin helped me try on all my clothes, and laughed off my Diva-esque hissing and yowling fit.

This is my "Cotton Candy" Dress by East side collection, in a Sm/Med for $16.99.

My "I Love Mommy" tank by casual canine is a perfect fit in a size small and only $11.99.

I loved the fit of the casual canine brand so much I got a few more tanks, all size small.

They are long enough to cover my bottom, and accomodate the Sphynx breed's pot belly.

This blue ribbed "Im with gorgeous" tank by Casual Canine was $9.99.

and "My Dad Rocks" by Casual Canine was $14.99

Here is daddy helping me model it. He rocks!

I also picked out this comfortable, adjustible, padded Skull harness, in a small for $14.99. It glows in the dark!!!!

I was so impressed with "Ponga's Pet Palace" I gave them 5 meows out of 5. Their premises were exceptionally clean, and their selection and staff were exemplery. Located at 69160, Hwy 59, in Mandeville, Louisiana, they were worth the trip!
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© 2011 Aislynne