If you want to read more about our Hearse, here is an article about it in the local paper Nice Folks, but Creepy Car!

In order to ensure the best seating, we had to line up 12 hours ahead. I had my people bring lawn chairs for maximum comfort. We were about 10th in line to enter the theatre.

Here is daddy napping in my lawn chair while I watch for the snack cart.

While we were waiting I had my picture taken with the stars of "Eclipse".

I also made some new fans, Chad and Kia!

...and signed some autographs!

Uncle Edward had his picture taken with "Pussy Galore".

Uh Oh......trouble! That was right about the time ....

...that I was asked to leave the premises on account of my "not being a human!" Management were as unimpressed with my press credentials and registered therapy pet status, as my argument that "Edward" and "Jacob" are not human either.

So Uncle Edward and I were forced to READ about the "Eclipse" premier in the papers like every other commoner.

Like most boys, I prefer to do my reading in the washroom!

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© 2010 Aislynne