A short time ago I did a short trip to the picturesque town of St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Here is the town website http://www.standrewsbythesea.ca/ . Unfortunately, my time was limited, but here is a summary of my whirlwind tour!

St. Andrew was founded in 1783 by United Empire Loyalists (American settlers loyal to Britain's King George III) who came from Maine. They named the town after St. Andrews, Scotland. It began as a merchant settlement and garrison town for British soldiers. Later, St. Andrews flourished as a summer resort. Now, the bay is also home to biological research stations and teaching institutions. Here I am reading about St. Andrew's blockhouse.

Blockhouses were common defenses in frontier countries such as Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and the U.S during the Age of Exploration (that is 15th to 17th centuries for you non history buffs). Often made from heavy logs formed into two or three levels, with embrasures placed high near the ceilings. The top floor is roofed and projects out over the floor below to enable firing on the enemy beneath. 

Here I am checking out the impenetrable door.

I have always wanted to fire a canon! Who has my lighter? What do you mean we did not pack the gun powder? Who travels to a blockhouse without gun powder? It is so hard to find good people these days!

Fine! We shall just PRETEND I am about to fire the canon at a passing ship then! First I make sure we have the barrel is lined up to the target....

In these military reenactments I am very high off the ground so I must remind you that I am a professional stunt cat! Do not try this at home!

In the middle of shooting I decide to hop down and put on my parka! It is very windy at this dangerous height and the air is cold off the sea. My tail appears to be frozen straight up in the air!

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© 2009 Aislynne